Yesterday I was making cups in the studio when I received a call from the Gillette Chamber of Commerce, telling me that I could still be in their mixer/tradeshow that they call "The Taste of Gillette", an event where all the vendors must make food to have at their booth. It was 11:30 when I got the call, and the event started at 5:00pm, and I needed to make a lot of bread, pack-up my pots, and I needed to get my wheel cleaned up and ready to go, because they wanted a demonstration. So that's just what I did. Also, I had to somehow get some business cards, as I have been putting that off. In the end, it all came together, the house was at least 100 degrees from making and baking bread, I was exhaused before I even got there, but once I started demonstrating, the time went by very quickly. I sold my chartruese raygun, gave out a lot of business cards, and got to see some old friends. I also shared my booth with my good friend Maria Stiles who makes jewelry, and she had a few sales as well.
As you can see, I had quite the following of miniature mud lovers. They made interesting requests, "Can you make a duck? Or no! A flip-flop, make a flip-flop! AND A DUCK!"
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